This colorful fine persian rug brings warmth and color to your space.
A Tabriz rug/carpet is a type in the general category of Persian rugs from the city of Tabriz, It is one of the oldest rug weaving centers and makes a huge diversity of types of carpets.Tabriz has one of the most diverse displays of designs from medallion, Herati/Mahi, to figural, pictorial, and even 3-d shaped rugs.
Tabriz has been a large and worldwide famous carpet making center in the Iran and the world. It played a significant role in development the rich traditions of the decorative and applied arts.
Fine Tabriz Mahi Wool & Silk Rug, Living room rug, geometric rug, 6'7"x10' rugs
SKU: K-4109
79" x 118" - 6'7" x 10'